In the time in which we are working now, we are faced with huge changes:
- life, society and economy are becoming more and more complex
- the time we live in is unpredictable
- the nature of jobs is radically changing
- more and more jobs are disappearing due to technological changes
- The past can be less and less a support and a roadmap for the future.

It is already difficult to predict what knowledge and skills will be needed and sought after for the next 10 years. In most professions, knowledge doubles every few years, which means that knowledge od svakoga nas needs to be duplicated every 2 - 3 years just to "keep up" with the changes. Those who don't do so will be relentlessly behind!

Companies where knowledge is valued as a resource, which invest in education in which information infrastructure is developed and where individuality, ability and creativity of individuals are highly valued, can rightly be called innovative!

Clients  have always represented the bloodstream of any company that allows the company to survive and develop. Nevertheless, compared to a few decades ago, today's clients have become sophisticated and informed, their standards have become higher and demands are higher. Thanks to the media and modern technology, everything Information they are within their grasp, and unsparing competition in the market has finally put them in a privileged position. Today they are the ones who choose, and their position will no longer change. Someone commented wittily, saying that if clients are already choosing, then they choose with their feet, because it's up to them whether they come to you, or if they "walk away" to your competition.

This trail of events has put the clients at the center of all events, and employees before a serious dilemma: what to do to keep the old and win new customers. Customer satisfaction was imposed not only as a strategic commitment of all modern organizations, but also as a short-term, burning issue that requires immediate action.

That this issue is vital for any company is best verified by statistics that are inexorable and leave little room for dilemmas. And those numbers say that the average company loses 10 - 30% of its customers annually -usually because of poor service, that a disgruntled customer passes on an average of eleven other people, and that the cost of acquiring a new customer is six times higher than retaining the old one. These arguments are a good reason for customer satisfaction to be given an absolute priority in all organizations. 

1. Client is the most important person with whom we communicate, whether we do it "in 4 eyes" by phone or e-mail.
2. Client does not depend on us, we depend on him.
3. The client is never an obstacle to our work – he is its purpose!
4. We do not render a service to a client when we serve him - he does service to us when he allows us to serve him.
5. Clients are not numbers and cold statistics. They are human beings who have feelings like us.
6. No one has ever emerged as a winner from any conflict with the client.
7. Clients are people who come to us with their needs and desires. Our task is to fulfill them, because they benefit from them, our company and us.

Customer satisfaction is "conquered" when they come to your shop because they want it, not because they have to.

In accordance with the above stated, Vedeto Plus offers the following services: